Being affected by the other. (notice bibliographique)

By Gilles BIBEAU.

In “Culture, Medicine and Pschiatry 14. 299-310,1990”


La richesse que représente le pluralisme des styles intellectuels et la multiplicité des configurations discursives et culturelles est mise en parallèle avec l’appauvrissement qu’engendre le processus d’homogénéisation et d’hégémonie croissante d’une « koine » intellectuelle à prétention universelle. L’auteur souligne la dimension tragique qui s’inscrit dans toute rencontre, une dimension de pouvoir et de dépendance qui ne peut être annulée par les meilleures qualités individuelles d’empathie. Pour guider les scientifiques tant occidentaux que non-occidentaux sur la voie du dialogue transculturel et transnational, l’auteur présente brièvement sept règles.


Calvino, halo, 1988 Lezioni americane, Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio. Roma : Garzanti.

Clifford, James, 1988 The Predicament of Culture. Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, Mass., and London : Harvard University Press.

Descombes, Vincent 1980 Modern French Philosophy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Geertz, Clifford 1988 Works and Lives. The Anthropologist as Author. Stanford : Stanford University Press.

Jamin, Jean, 1978 Aux origines de l’anthropologie française. Paris : Editions Le Sycomore, 230 p.

Mudimbe, J.Y., 1988 The Invention of Africa. Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Order of Knowledge. Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press.

Said, Edward 1978 Orientalism, New York : Pantheon.

Stocking, George W. 1987 Victorian Anthropology. New York : Free Press.

Wright Mills, C. 1959 The Sociological Imagination. New York : Oxford University Press.


Best, Joel, ed., 1989 Images of Issues : Typifying Contemporary Social Problems. New York : Aldine de Gruyter. 258 pp., cloth $39.95, pbk. $19.95.

Condon, Richard G., 1988 Inuit Youth : Growth and Change in the Canadian Arctic. Adolescents in a Changing World series. New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press. 271 pp., pbk. $15.00, cloth $32.00.

Davis, Dona L., and Setha M. Low, eds. ; 1989 Gender, Health, and Illness : The Case of Nerves. Health Care for Women International Publications series. Bristol, PA : Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 226 pp., hardcover.

Davis, Susan Schaefer, and Douglas A. Davis, 1989 Adolescence in a Moroccan Town. Adolescents in a Changing World series. New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press. 217 pp., cloth, $42.00.

Desai, Prakash N., 1989 Health and Medicine in the Hindu Tradition. Chicago and New York : The Crossroad Publishing Co. 156 pp., hardcover, $19.95.

Frankel, Barbara, 1989 Transforming Identities : Context, Power and Ideology in a Therapeutic Community. American University Studies, Series M, Anthropology and Sociology, vol. 14. New York : Peter Lang.

Gerhardt, Uta, 1989 Ideas About Illness : An Intellectuai and Political History of Medical Sociology. New York : Columbia University Press. 425 pp., cloth, $35.00.

Glass, James M., 1989 Private Terror/Public Life : Psychosis and the Politics of Community. Ithaca : Comell University Press. 253 pp., cloth, $29.95.

Greenberg, David E., 1989 The Construction of Homosexuality. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. 635 pp., hardcover, $29.95.

Gritzer, Glenn, and Arnold Arluke, 1985 The Making of Rehabilitation : A Political Economy of Medical Specialization, 1890-1980. Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care series. 214 pp. Paperback edition 1989.

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