Adolescents are one of the fastest growing populations with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in the U.S. (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 1995). As of 1995, more than 21,300 young people ages 13-24(3) had been diagnosed with AIDS, and many more are estimated to be HIV-positive (CDC, 1995). There is an increasing focus on school-based AIDS interventions for adolescents, especially for ethnic minorities at highest risk for HIV infection (DiClemente, 1993 ; Walter & Vaughan, 1993). The majority of school-based AIDS prevention programs are led by teachers or other adults, but there is mounting evidence that peer educators are more effective health promoters for adolescents (Jay, Durant, Shoffitt, et al., 1984 ; Kirby et al., 1994 ; Perry, Grant, Emberg, Florenzano, & Langdon, 1989 ; Tobler, 1986). A new wave of peer-led prevention programs for AIDS and other health problems is currently being implemented and evaluated in secondary schools.
Emily J. OZER , Rhona S. WEINSTEIN , Christina MASLACH , David SIEGEL : Adolescent AIDS Prevention in Context : The Impact of Peer Educator Qualities and Classroom Environments on Intervention Efficacy
Journal article by Christina Maslach, Emily J. Ozer, David Siegel, Rhona S. Weinstein ; Published in American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 25, 1997