Family Therapy and Transcultural Psychiatry : An Emerging Synthesis.

Part I : The Conceptual Basis by VINCENZO F. DINICOLA.

In Transcultural psychiatric review N° 22, 1985

« Family therapy is the starting point for the study of ever wider social units. » Selvini Palazzoli (1974)

ContrastIng two fundamentally différent intellectual orientations, Sir Isaiah Berlin (1979) introduced a distinction between the singleminded thinkers of depth who resemble the burrowing hedgehog and the diversified thinkers of breadth who resemble the wideranging fox. Using this distinction as a conceptual tool, we can attempt to match the diverse and sometimes contradictory field of transcultural psychiatry with a model of behaviour and culture that resonates with its broad approach. Transcultural psychiatry is like a wide-ranging fox whose alliance with dynamie « depth » psychology has been a misalliance, as it was for anthropology (Favazza and Oman, 1980). It is suggested that the breadth of family therapy makes it a better fit for transcultural psychiatry, as they are two similar maps of the same territory…


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