Edited, with a commentary, by COLIN MURRAY TURBAYNE Professor of Philosophy, University of Rochester.
Publication Information : Book Title : Works on Vision. Contributors : George Berkeley – author, Colin Turbayne Murray – editor. Publisher : Bobbs-Merrill. Place of Publication : Indianapolis. Publication Year : 1963.
Berkeley’s three accounts vision — the Essay, the account given in the fourth dialogue of Alciphron, and Visual Language — are presented here, for the first time, in one volume. To these I have prefaced Berkeley’s summary of the theory from his Principles.
Berkeley never lost his love for the child of his youth, his new theory of vision. He presented it to the public in three different styles and on ten different occasions during his life, thereby outdoing the seven editions of his own single best seller, Siris. He published the Essay five times, twice by itself, in 1709 and 1710, and three times in 1732 as an appendix to Alciphron. Alciphron went into four editions, the last appearing in 1752 without the Essay as an appendix. He published Visual Language only once, in 1733.