JoëL DOR : Introduction to the Reading of Lacan : The Unconscious Structured like a Language

Publication Information : Book Title : Introduction to the Reading of Lacan : The Unconscious Structured like a Language. Contributors : Joël Dor – author, Judith Feher Gurewich – editor. Publisher : Other Press. Place of Publication : New York. Publication Year : 1998.

Introduction BY JOËL DOR

The Introduction to the Reading of Lacan reviews the main arguments developed in a series of talks held outside the circles in which the teaching of psychoanalysis is usually welcome — universities and psychoanalytic or psychiatric institutes. This « outside » had to have an address in order that, from 1981 on, an approach to the work of Lacan could be painstakingly outlined for an audience, and the actual location helped to identify this approach symbolically as the Seminar of the Music Room. But as advantageous as this autonomy was at first because of the circumstances in which psychoanalysis found itself at the time, it was eventually necessary to have an institutional home in which instruction could continue permanently. This was the Centre de Formation et de Recherches Psychanalytiques (Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research).

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