In Social Theory & Health, 2004, 2, (18-28)
Considering the career of a modem healing saint Padre Pio of Pietralcina, this paper examines the close association in certain situations of putative psychopathology with sanctity, and takes up the rote of the modern Itatian media in bridging coritemporary thaumaturgical heating with the officiat processes of the Roman Cathotic Church- a bridge that recalts certain recent currents within ctinical psychiatry.
Keywords : stigmata ; psychiatry ; thaumaturgy
Roland Littlewood is a psychiatrist and anthropologist (D,Phil., D.Litt.). His fieldwork concentrates on Trinidad, Haiti, Lebanon, and Albania. The is the author of six books including Aliens and Alienists, Pathology and Identity, and Pathologies of the West, plus over 150 papers. He is also a painter, film maker and novelist.
Goffredo Bartocci is a psychiatrist and psvchoanalyst. He has three books to lus credit. He was earlier a professor at La Sapienza University, Rome. but now at the University of Turin. His interests include the psychodynamics of religious creativity and experience, and religious stigmata.
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