Philip J. IVANHOE and Bryan W. Van NORDEN : Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy

by Philip J. Ivanhoe University of Michigan and Bryan W. Van Norden Vassar College.

Publication Information : Book Title : Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy. Contributors : Philip J. Ivanhoe – editor, Bryan W. Van Norden – editor. Publisher : Seven Bridges Press. Place of Publication : New York. Publication Year : 2001.


« Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy » introduces the seven most widely read and important thinkers of the « classical period » (roughly the sixth to the end of the third century B.C.E.) of Chinese philosophy. Each chapter begins with a very brief introduction to the text and the thinker it concerns and concludes with a short and lightly annotated, selective bibliography. The volume is intended to serve as an introduction to and source book for these texts and not as a philosophical primer for the thought of these authors. Introductory and interpretive material is kept to a minimum, but the volume includes four indices–Important Figures, Important Periods, « Important Texts » and Important Terms –that describe mythical and historical figures, periods of time, classical texts and specialized terms that regularly appear in the texts translated here. There is also a map of China during the Spring and Autumn Period that shows the approximate locations of the major states and rivers. Readers are encouraged to turn to these reference materials whenever they encounter terms or names in the text that are not explained in footnotes. Explanatory notes are provided at the bottom of each page in cases of a single occurrence of an obscure term or name or when more explanation appeared to be warranted. Those who wish to pursue additional secondary literature in English concerning the texts and thinkers included in this reader are encouraged to consult the web page that is maintained in support of this volume at our publisher’s web site,

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