Philippe JULIEN : « Jacques Lacan’s return to Freud. The real, the symbolic, and the imaginary »

New York University Press, 1994.

Translated by Devra Beck Simiu.

Philippe JULIEN is a prydsoanlyst in private practice in Paris. He cofounded the E. L. P. (Ecoic Lacanienne de Psychanalyse) in Paris in 1985 and is the author of Le Manteau de Noé : Essai sur la paternité.

« Philippe Julien’s Jacques Lacan’s Return to Freud is a terrifie introduction not only basic Lacanian thought, but also to the historical development of that thought from its earliest stirrings in 1932 to its efflorescence between 1953 and Lacan death in 1981. The book’s inspired focus on the stages of Lacan’s transformation of the concepts of the raeal, the symbolic, and the imaginary offers a new take on the French analyst’s emergence not as a ‘Lacanian’, but as a Freudian : Moreower, translator Devra Beck Simiu captures Julien’s quirky style and makes the book accessible to almost any reader. I recommend the book very highly. It merits a place beside Malcolm Bowie’s Lacan as among the most lucid and accessible treatments of Lacan’s theory and indebtedness to Freud. »

James M. Mellard, Northern Illinois University

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