Politics of healing and politics of culture : Ethnopsychiatry, identities and migration by Roberto Beneduce * and Pompeo Martelli**

*Roberto Beneduce, MD, PhD, Ethnopsychiatrist, is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Psychology) and Psychological Anthropology (Faculty of Letters) at the University of Turin. He held research on Dogon systems of healing of mental disorders, in Mali, between 1988 and 1993. In Eritrea (1994-1997), Ethiopia (1997), and Mozambique (2000-2001), lie analysed the social and psychological consequences of war, atrocities and violence, as well as the local resources to copy with them. More recently lie conducted research in South Cameroon (among the Bulu ; 2001-2003) on symbolic structure and changes in so-called « traditional medicine », as well as on the impact of Aids issue and the role of independent African churches on healing behaviours. He founded in 1996 the Frantz Fanon Centre (Centre of Psychotherapy for Migrants, Refugees, and Victims of Torture), at Turin, and is Co-ordinator of Training activity in the EU Project on Rehabilitation of Victi.ms of Torture in Italy. Recently lie published Trance e possessi . one in Africa. Corpi, mimesi, storia (Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002). Author of paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and 5

**Pompeo Martelli, Psychotherapist, is Scientific Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Researches on Public Health, Local Health Agency Roma E and Director of the Minds Museum. He has worked for 20 years in the Department of Mental Health, Local Health Agency Roma E, in the former Psychiatric Hospital S. Maria della Pietà of Rome, and lie plays an active role on a public health’s project, in co-operation with Médecins Sans Frontières, to improve Culturally Sensitive and Competent Health Services in Rome. Lecturer of Cross-Cultural Health, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Rome ; Lecturer of Psychology and Medical Anthropology at the University of Rome « La Sapienza ». He edited the Italian edition of the report The Mental Health of Indigenous People by Alex Cohen (WHO, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, Rome, 2002) and of the book Aboriginal Health and History. Power and prejudice in remote Australia by E.Hunter (Edizioni Kappa, Rome, 1999). Fellow of the Italian Society of Medical Anthropology, Italian Society of Medicine for Migrations, Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network, World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Author of paragraph 2.


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