J. Halldin : Dept. of Social Medicine (Head : Professor Leit Svanstrôm), Karolinska Institute, Sundbyberg, Sweden
In Acta psychiatr. scand, 1985:71:117-127
Key words : Mental disorders ; cross sectional studies, period prevalence. Sweden : adult. middle age ; social class, marital status, immigration.
A representative selection of 2,283 persons, 18-65 years old in -former- Stockholm County were examined by psychiatrists in 1970-7l. The total non-response was 12%. The 12-month prevalence of mental disorders in relation to social class (I-III), marital status and immigration was estimated. The psychiatric diagnoses of moderate and severe degree- were significantly more prevalent in social class III (14 % and 2.7 %) than in I (6.9 % and 0.6 %) and II (9.8 %, and 0.9 %) and significantly more prevalent among single (16 % and 4.6 %) than among cohabiting persons (9.6 % and 1.0 % ). The mental disorder immigration relationship should here be interpreted with certain reservations. One significant difference was noted : the “psychiatric diagnosis of severe degree” , was significantly more prevalent for men born in Swedcn (1.5 %) than for men born abroad (0.3 %).