By Vincenzo F. Di Nicola.
In Journal of starategic and systemic therapies, Vol3 (1984), #2
*Vincenzo F. Di Nicola, M.Phil., M.D. Resident in Psychiatry, McGill University Faculty of Medicine ; Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry ; 4333 Cote Ste. Catherine Road, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3T IE4.
A version of this paper was presented at the Academic Seminar at The Sir Mortimer B. Davis – Jewish General Hospital, Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry, November 11, 1983.
This article examines the development of Selvini Palazzoli’s thinking that has led to her current exploration of the « invariant » prescription. Her previous contributions in the understanding of such areas as the referring person problem, hypothesizing, circularity, neutrality, and positive connotation are reviewed as is her more recent concern with the isomorphisms between families and larger systems. The « invariant » prescription is described in some detail. D.E.
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