By Robert T. Ammerman, Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Cincinnati and Michel Hersen, Pacific University.
Publication Information : Book Title : Advanced Abnormal Child Psychology. Contributors : Robert T. Ammerman – editor, Michel Hersen – editor. Publisher : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication : Mahwah, NJ. Publication Year : 2000.
Preface by the authors
There was a time when abnormal child psychology was the stepchild of abnormal psychology, with perhaps one or two chapters in an entire advanced textbook devoted to children. Given the explosive amount of new research on child development in general since the 1980s, the « stepchild » is obviously no longer a valid characterization. Indeed, in the last 15 years, many new journals devoted to childhood problems have made their appearance on library bookshelves. Although several books reviewing childhood problems were published, none, in our opinion, had sufficient breadth to show the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate student the extent of our existing knowledge base concerning the disorders that manifest themselves early in development. Therefore, we undertook the task of assembling the first edition of this text, in an effort to integrate the empirical and clinical literatures. Since its publication in 1995, a great deal more work has been done.