Stephen R. HOOPER, George W. HYND and Richard E. MATTISON : Child Psychopathology : Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Assessment

Edited by Stephen R. Hooper University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; George W. Hynd University of Georgia Medical College of Georgia ; Richard E. Mattison Washington University

Publication Information : Book Title : Child Psychopathology : Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Assessment. Contributors : Stephen R. Hooper – editor, George W. Hynd – editor, Richard E. Mattison – editor. Publisher : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication : Hillsdale, NJ. Publication Year : 1992.

Preface by the author In what some would perhaps consider an historical piece of writing, Smoller (1985) wrote a satirical article about the etiology and treatment of childhood. In his treatise, Smoller noted that « Childhood is a syndrome which has only recently begun to receive serious attention from clinicians » (p. 3). With this conjecture, Smoller acknowledged the « growing acceptance of childhood as a distinct phenomenon » and its pending inclusion in the upcoming DSM-IV. Although the focus of this work was on the origins and treatments of this « syndrome, » there was significant discussion regarding its evolution, core clinical components, associated features, and issues surrounding its assessment and diagnosis.

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