Transcultural psychiatry (Notice bibliographique)

Edited by John L. Cox : Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Keele, and formerly Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh.

Transcultural psychiatry is a developing field which is commmanding increasing attention for the three major reasons.

First, many societies are becoming more and more multicultural, and therefore professional health workers need to be aware of the needs and background of ethnic groups, as well as to be familiar with their own cultural asumptions.

Secondly, the study of psychiatric illness across cultures can illuminate features of such illness in our own society.

Thirdly, the way in which racism may initiate or sustain psychiatric disorder has become a topic essential to a present-day understanding of transcultural psychiatry.

This book provides a review of many such aspectsof transcultural psychiatry. It is written at a level suitable for mental health professionals, including trainee psychiatrists, but it is also of interest to students and other qualified staff, including psychologists, nurses, social workers and other professional workers concerned with race relations and the provision of psychiatric services for ethnic groups.

Plan :

1. Introduction

J. L. Cox, University of Keele, UK

2. The historical Development of Transcultural Psychiatry

H. B. M. Murphy, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada

3. The Epidemiology of Mental Illness across Cultures

J Leff, MRC Socia Psychiatry Unit, London, UK

4. An Anthropological Approach to the Implicit Models of Comparative Psychiatry : Russian Dolls and Chinese Boxes

Roland Littlewood, University of Birmingham, UK

5. Migration and Mental Illness

Philip H. Rack, Lynfield Mount Hospital, Bradford, UK

6. Overseas Students and Expatriates : Sojourners or Settlers ?

J. L. Cox, University of Keele, UK

7. Psychiatric Services for Ethnic Minority Groups

John Bavington, Lynfield Mount Hospital, Bradford, UK and Abdul Majid, St Luke’s Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK

8. Depression in Ethnic Minorities

Suman Fernado, Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, UK

9. Racism, Prejudice and Mental Illness

Aggrey W Burke, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK

10. Ideology and Politics in Transcultural Psychiatry

S P Sashidharan, MRC Unit for Epidemiological Studies in Psychiatry, Edinburgh, UK

11. The mental health impact of British Cultural Traditions

H. B. M. Murphy, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada

12. Transcultural social Work

J Triseliotis, University of Edinburgh, UK

13. Culture and Psychiatric Nursing : Implications for training

Bryn D Davis, Brighton Polytechnic, UK

14. Family Therapy accross Cultures

Annie Lau, Redbridge Child Guidance Clinic and King George Hospital, Ilford, UK

15. The Culture bound Syndrome of the dominant ulture : Culture, Psychopathology and Biomedicine

Roland Littlewood, University of Birmingham and Maurice Lipsedge, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK

16. Chines Psychiatry : Development and Characteristics

Wen Shing Tseng, University of Hawai School of Medecine, Hawai

17. Indian and Western Psychiatry : a Comparison

A Venkoba Rao, Madurai Medical College and Government Rajaji Hospital, India

18. African and Western Psychiatry : a Comparison

T Asuni, University of Lagos, Nigeria


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