Treatments in psychiatry – an update : ABSTRACTS

World Psychiatric Association

International Congress

Programme of November 10-13, 2004 Florence, Italy

In collaboration with the Italian Psychiatric Association, the Italian Society of Biological Psychiatry and the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology.



UL1. The context of treatment in psychiatry . 1

UL2. Empathy, meaning, and the therapeutic alliance in psychiatric practice . 1

UL3. The comprehensive management of schizophrenia . 1

UL4. Early psychosis : detection and interventions . 1

UL5. The comprehensive management of recurrent major depression . 2

UL6. Comprehensive long-term management of bipolar disorder . 2

UL7. Understanding and managing the consequences of violence and trauma . 2

UL8. Integrating pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in the management of anxiety disorders . 3

UL9. Evidence based management of dementia . 3

UL10. The multimodal treatment of eating disorders . 3

UL11. The principles and practice of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy . 4

UL12. Psychodynamic psychotherapies : evidence-based and clinical wisdom . 4

UL13. Integration of services in community mental health care . 4

UL14. The challenge of primary prevention in psychiatry . 5


SL1. Current treatment in psychoses : did it change the outcome ? . 5

SL2. Comprehensive diagnosis as a basis for integrated treatment and health promotion . 5


181. The future of psychotherapies 6

1S2. The contribution of neuroirnaging research to clinical psychiatry . 7

IS3. The future of pharmacotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders . 8

IS4. Cultural issues in mental health care . 9

IS5 The current management of personality disorders . 10

IS6. The management of somatoform disorders and medically unexplained physical symptoms . 11

IS7. New strategies in the management of sexual disorders . 12

IS8. Partnerships in mental health care . 13

IS9. Current approaches to autism . 14

ISIO. Current approaches to sleep disorders . 15

IS11. The present and future of consultation-liaison psychiatry . 17

IS12. Combining medications in psychiatry : advantages and risks . 18

IS13. The evaluation of psychiatric treatments . 19

IS14. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder . 20

IS15. Recent advances in pharmacogenomics . 21

IS16. The present and future of rehabilitation in psychiatry . 22

IS17. Management of alcohol-related problems . 23

IS18. Non-pharmacological somatic therapies in psychiatry . 24

IS19. Ethical and legal aspects of treatments in psychiatry . 26

IS20. Diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) . 27

IS21. The current management of obsessive-compulsive disorder . 28

IS22. Understanding and managing « comorbidity » in psychiatry . 29

IS23. Economic aspects of mental health care . 30

IS24. Assessment and management of social anxiety disorder . 31

IS25. The future of pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia . 32

IS26. Family interventions for mental disorders . 33

IS27. Molecular genetics and genomics of psychiatric disorders : identification of novel drug targets . 34

IS28. Prevention and management of substance abuse . 35

IS29. Psychotropic drugs and cognitive functions . 37

IS30. « Difficult » children and adolescents : underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of mental disorder and relevant treatment issues . 38

IS31. Gender-related issues in psychiatric treatments 39

IS32. New strategies for the care of the mentally retarded . 40

IS33. Epidemiology and prevention of suicide . 41

IS34. Management of mental disorders in old age . 42

IS35. The current management of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder . 43

IS36. The management of non-schizophrenic psychotic disorders . 44


SPS1. From advances in neuroscience of substance use disorders to new treatment approaches . 45

SPS2. Nosological validity and diagnostic validity . 46 SECTION SYMPOSIA SS1. Current questions in the treatment of bipolar disorders . 48

SS2. Diagnosing personality disorders : does it matter for treatment ? . 50

SS3. The educational challenge of improving the quality of psychiatric treatment . 51

S84. Spirituality, treatment and health . 52

SS5. Art and therapeutic communication . 53

SS6. Developing and implementing training in old age psychiatry . 54

SS7. Hormones as treatments of affective disorders . 55 SS8. The effect of disability pension policy on outcome from mental illness . 56

SS9. Management of first episode schizophrenia . 57

SSIO. Stress, depression and cardiac events . 59

SS11. Sexual health educational programme : an update . 59

SS12. Conceptual and ethical issues in early diagnosis and treatment . 59

SS13. Family functioning and family interventions in axis I and axis III disorders . 61

SS14. Predictors of response to therapies for eating disorders . 62

SS15. Psychiatric issues in psycho-oncology : SPECIAL WHO/WPA SYMPOSIA

SPS1. From advances in neuroscience of substance use disorders to new treatment approaches 45

SPS2. Nosological validity and diagnostic validity 46

SECTION SYMPOSIA SS1. Current questions in the treatment of bipolar disorders 48 SS2. Diagnosing personality disorders : does it matter for treatment ? so SS3. The educational challenge of improving

the quality of psychiatric treatment 51

S84. Spirituality, treatment and health 52

SS5. Art and therapeutic communication 53

SS6. Developing and implementing training SS38 in old age psychiatry 54 SS7. Hormones as treatments of affective SS39

disorders 55 SS40 SS8. The effect of disability pension policy on outcome from mental illness 56 SS41

SS9. Management of first episode schizophrenia 57

SSIO. Stress, depression and cardiac events 59

SS11. Sexual health educational programme : SS42 an update 59 SS12. Conceptual and ethical issues in early

diagnosis and treatment 59 SS43 SS13. Family functioning and family interventions in axis 1 and axis 111 disorders 61 SS14. Predictors of response to therapies for eating disorders 62 SS15. Psychiatric issues in psycho-oncology : a challenge for the new millennium . 64

SS16. Treatment of eating disorders in psychoanalytically informed psychiatry . 65

SS17. Biological correlates of disturbed sleep . 66

SS18. Treatment research on eating disorders . 67

SS19. Psychopathology and treatment . 68

SS20. Childhood sexual abuse, paraphilias and sex offence : are they related ? . 69

SS21. Labour, law and disability . 70

SS22. European psychiatry from 1800 to 2004 : institutions, concepts and policies . 71

SS23. Psychiatry, law and ethics . 72

SS24. Interventions in disasters . 73

SS25. The role of the psychiatrist in the HIV/AIDS epidemic . 74

SS26. Psychophysiological characterization of mental disorders : therapeutic implications . 74

SS27. Access to care impediments : African, American and European experiences . 76

SS28. Military psychiatry . 77

SS29. Quality improvement : practice guidelines and suicide prevention . 78

SS30. New perspectives on neuroirnaging in schizophrenia . 79

SS31. Well-being and quality of life in the 21st century . 80

SS32. Ecological changes and mental distress : therapeutic perspectives . 81

SS33. Topics of prevention : evidence and research . 82

SS34. Updating suicidology . 83

SS35. Psychoimmunology : evidence and perspectives . 84

SS36. Evolutionary psychopathology : toward empirical and epigenetic explanations . 85

SS37. Intervention strategies for mental retardation : an integrative approach .86

SS38. The use of psychoanalysis in today’s urban mental health settings . 87

SS39. Violence against women across cultures . 88

SS40. Genetics and psychopathology of suicidal behaviours . 89 SS41. The MIND clinical imaging consortium : a multimodality collaborative study of schizophrenia . 90

SS42. Rehabilitation of torture victims and the problems of these victims from the psychiatrist’s viewpoint . 92

SS43. Depression associated with medical conditions in primary care and other settings .93

SS44. Transcultural psychiatry in Europe : something is going on . 94

SS45. Positive and negative impact of new technologies in psychiatric sciences . 95

SS46. The hidden burden of mental retardation . 96

SS47. Psychosis : meaning, mechanism and interpersonal consequences . 97

SS48. The relevance of neuropsychophysiological research to psychiatric treatment . 97

SS49. Attention-deficit /hyperactivity disorder in primary care . 98

SS50. Violence : a man made disaster . 99

SS51. Substance abuse and the family . 100

SS52. Settings and techniques of intervention in emergency psychiatry : a comparaison of different models . 101

SS53. Common mental disorders in private practice . 102


ZS1 Interdisciplinary approaches to treatment of mental disorders : the experience of Eastern Europe . 104

ZS2. Partnership in mental health care in Afric . 105

ZS3. Mental health and psychiatry in Latin America . 106

ZS4. Developing the identity of the contemporary European psychiatrist . 106

ZS5. Administration of health services and educational programs in Latin America . 107

ZS6. Perspectives on psychotherapy from the US . 108

ZS7. Mental health services in North Africa . 109

ZS8. Psychiatry in Central European countries within the process of affiliation to the European Union . 110

ZS9. Mental health and primary care services working together : the Canadian experience . 112

ZS10. Modern and traditional treatments in the context of a developing country . 113

ZS11. Community psychiatry in the Mediterranean region and the role of psychiatric associations . 113


W01. Disasters, terrorism and trauma . 115

W02. Training in psychiatric treatment in different European countries . 116

W03. Diagnosis and treatment of catatonia . 117

W04. HIV/AIDS and psychiatric disorders . 118

W05. Methodological challenges in non-industry-sponsored multicenter clinical trials . 118

W06. Diagnosing and treating social phobia . 120

W07. Comparing mental health and risk factors across European Union countries . 121

W08. International perspectives on coercive treatment in psychiatry . 123

W09. Recent advances in brain imaging of drug abuse . 124

W010. Successful implementation of evidence-based family treatment for mental disorders . 125

W011. Suicide prevention in major psychoses : risk factors and role of long-term treatment . 126

W012. The GABA neuron and schizophrenia morbidity : treatment implications . 127

W013. International perspectives on mental health services for youth in prison . 129

W014. European guidelines on privacy and confidentiality in healthcare . 130

W015. Court-ordered psychiatric treatment in New York City . 130

W016. The prevalence of mental disorders in Europe and Italy : results of the European Study of Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) . 131

W017. Psychiatric therapies in movies . 132

W018. The atypical psychoses : from psychopathology to neurobiology . 133

W019. Epidemiology, clinical picture and treatment of childhood depression . 134

W020. How to organize a scientific congress . 134

W021. Treatments in psychiatry : young psychiatrists’ knowledge and attitudes in various countries . 136

W022. Strategies for psychotropic drugs of the future . 137

W023. Current approaches to severe personality disorders . 139

W024. Targeted combination of drugs or polypharmacy ? Evidence for and against combined drug treatment . 140

W025. Perspectives in psychiatric training : implications for treatment . 141

W026. Psychotherapy for childhood depression : a cross-national European study . 142

W027. Treatment of limits, limits of treatment . 143

W028. Involving patients and families in integrated psychiatric treatments . 144

W029. Mental health issues in HIV/AIDS . 145

W030. Implementation of psychoeducational interventions for schizophrenia in routine clinical settings . 145

W031. The evolution of community psychiatry in Italy . 147

W032. Predicting response to antipsychotics and antidepressants by functional imaging . 148

W033. Treatment of personality disorders : new perspectives . 149

W034. Biological correlates and treatment of pathological gambling . 150

W035. Psychiatry in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans : similarities and differences . 151

W036. Autism in schizophrenia, today . 152

W037. Clinical research on impulsivity : new developments and directions for possible treatments . 153

W038. Teaching and learning core competencies of basic consultation/liaison psychiatry . 154

W039. The current role of psychotherapy in graduate psychiatric training . 155

W040. Innovative approaches to outcome assessment of psychosocial interventions in severe mental disorders . 157

W041. How to improve adherence to psychiatric treatments . 157

W042. Obsessive-compulsive disorder : from serotonin to other monoamines and back again . 158

W043. Guideline development and implementation in psychiatry . 159

WO44. The current management of Alzheimer’s disease . 160

W045. Coming-out and health care for young homosexuals . 161

W046. Cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia : from evaluation to treatment . 162

W047. Early psychosis : new strategies for prevention and rehabilitation . 163

W048. Therapeutic factors in the different psychotherapeutic methods . 164

W049. Update on research in psychiatric treatment issues for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients . 165

W050. Psychiatry in forensic settings . 165

W051. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment issues concerning schizophrenia in Korea . 166

W052. Inpatient treatment of personality disorders . 167

W053. An integrated research-based approach to treating first episode psychosis . 168


NRS1. Psychotic disorders (1) . 169

NRS2. Primary care and liaison psychiatry . 171

NRS3. Community psychiatry (1) . 173

NRS4. Biological research . 174

NRS5. Mood disorders (1) . 176

NRS6. Improving psychiatric practice . 178

NRS7. Personality disorders and aggressive behaviour . 180

NRS8. Psychotic disorders (11) . 182

NRS9. Mood disorders (11) . 183

NRS10. Psychotic disorders (111) . 185

NRS11. Child and adolescent psychiatry (1) . 186

NRS12. Psychotic disorders (IV) . 188

NR813. Child and adolescent psychiatry (11) . 190

NRS14. Cultural and preventive psychiatry . 191

NRS15. New and traditional approaches in mental health care in developing countries . 193


P0l. Psychotic disorders 194

P02. Mood, anxiety and eating disorders ; child psychiatry ; substance abuse . 245

P03. Old age, consultation-liaison and forensic psychiatry ; psychiatric services ; psychotherapies . 309


SAS1. Free your patients from depression : treating the spectrum of symptoms . 350

SAS2. Escitalopram : innovation through evolution . 350

SAS3. Controversies and consensus in the management of bipolar depression . 352

SAS4. Novel ways to understand depression . 353

SAS5. The psychiatric patient : new treatment perspectives across the lifespan . 354

SAS6. Beyond depression and anxiety : understanding treatment myths and facts . 356

SAS7. Integrating science and medicine : strategies for the management of bipolar disorder . 357

SAS8. Clinical strategies in managing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder . 358

SAS9. The many phases of bipolar disorders : epidemiology and management . 359

SAS10. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a life-long impairing disorder : an international perspective . 360

SAS11. Role of antipsychotics in the treatment of bipolar disorder : from acute symptom control to long-term management . 361

SAS12. The boundaries of anxiety . 362

SAS13. Maintaining global patient health in the treatment of psychiatric disorders . 363

SAS14. Raising the bar in the treatment of patients with mood and anxiety disorders . 364


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