Karl JASPERS : Way to Wisdom : An Introduction to Philosophy

Publication Information : Book Title : Way to Wisdom : An Introduction to Philosophy. Contributors : Karl Jaspers – author, Ralph Manheim – transltr. Publisher : Yale University Press. Place of Publication : New Haven, CT. Publication Year : 1951.

CONTENTS Chapter I. What Is Philosophy ? Page 7

II. Sources of Philosophy 17

III. The Comprehensive 28

IV. The Idea of God 39

V. The Unconditional Imperative 52

VI. Man 63

VII. The World 74

VIII. Faith and Enlightenment 85

IX. The History of Man 96

X. The Independent Philosopher 110

XI. The Philosophical Life 120

XII. The History of Philosophy 132

APPENDICES I Philosophy and Science 147

II On Reading Philosophy 168

III Bibliography 195


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