Anthony PONCIER, Omar HALLOUCHE, Isabelle MILLION (e. all.) : « Repenser la prévention de proximité »
A. BOLAM, DS MANANDHAR, P. SHRESTHA, M. ELLIS, AM COSTELLO : The effects of postnatal health education for mothers on infant care and family planning practices in Nepal : a randomised controlled trial.
Charles CUNGI & Ovide FONTAINE : « Faire face aux dépendances. Alcool, tabac, drogues, jeux, internet »
Nicholas FREUDENBERG : Public Health Advocacy to Change Corporate Practices : Implications for Health Education Practice and Research
Emily J. OZER , Rhona S. WEINSTEIN , Christina MASLACH , David SIEGEL : Adolescent AIDS Prevention in Context : The Impact of Peer Educator Qualities and Classroom Environments on Intervention Efficacy
Regina E. HERZLINGER : The Managerial Revolution in the U.S. Health Care Sector : Lessons from the U.S. Economy.
P. TROUILLER, E. TORREELE, P. OLLIARO, N.WHITE, S. FOSTER, D. WIRTH, B. PECOUL : Drugs for neglected diseases : a failure of the market and a public health failure ?
Actes des Journées d’Étude et de Formation en Santé Mentale à Abomey (Bénin), 16-25 février 2007 : « Crise identitaire : Cassures et dérives sectaires »